


Founding by Henk Heuvelman

Henk Heuvelman, grandfather of the current Jansen generation, took his first step towards setting up the family firm in 1930. Today the three generations together have over 88 years of experience in the recycling branch. The fourth generation is also working in the company.



Dismantling of Chinese cargo ship

In 1966, the ship-breaking company received a major boost with the dismantling of the Chinese cargo ship SS Ping An. This ship ran aground in a storm on the beach at Ter Heijde (The Hague). Henk Heuvelman invested the income from this job in the first hydraulic scrap shear in the Netherlands.



Heuvelman staal

Together with his two brothers-in-law, Kees Jansen grew the company under the name Heuvelman Staal into a multinational, with ten sites at home and abroad. This company was sold to Germany’s Klöckner.




Zethameta BV

In 1988, Kees Jansen started again with the purchase of the company Zethameta in Vlaardingen. Together with his sons Klaas, Arie Kees and Harm, he made a fresh start in the trade and processing of iron, and later also in other metals. Until just before his death in 2008, father Kees could still be found regularly at the company in his rolled-up sleeves – typical of his mentality and that of today’s firm.



Jansen Recycling Group

In 2014, the family firm had three subsidiaries: Zethameta BV (ferro), Metaalhandel AC Jansen BV (non-ferro) and Waterstad Recycling BV (incineration scrap). These entities were merged in 2014 into Jansen Recycling Group, a recognisable and powerful name in the worldwide market for metal recycling.

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